business analysis, custom software - Aqubix
Cabinet – An Online Document Management System developed by Aqubix, a local web solutions and IT Consultancy Company, has reached the UK and Italy.
Following the launch of the product early last year, interest from companies in various sectors, was immediate. A number of clients locally immediately saw the benefit many quoting the savings on IT hardware and maintenance. Aqubix has also deployed a number of local installations where companies where keen to host the data internally.
It was not long before enquiries began to come in from overseas. Current Cabinet users in the UK span from companies in the financial sector like Sheafmoor, to recruitment agencies like IQX, scanning bureaux File Flatners amongst others. In Italy a number of clients in audit and taxation services currently make use of Cabinet. “We have also received enquiries from the companies in Australia, Dubai and South Africa”, said Kristoff Zammit Ciantar, Director at Aqubix.
When asked why he thinks Cabinet has been so well received by the international market Mr. Zammit Ciantar explained how Cabinet provides unique features at a competitive rate in comparison with other similar systems. Cabinet is a fully fledged online document management system that allows users to upload, organise, share and access documents and files from any pc, laptop, tablet or smart phone. It is an affordable virtual office – a secure and scalable online repository with all the features and functions of a document management system which include access control, offsite backup services, version control, audit trails and logs, easy drag and drop functionality to allow users to manage and share files easily and safely, and an inbuilt scanning engine.
Aqubix has a consistent track record of developing and delivering flexible and scalable web applications. Their experience and background in IT Consultancy on an international scale gives them the ability to blend effective web design with dynamic web programming to provide powerful online solutions.
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business analysis, custom software - Aqubix
Malta: Aqubix, 10 Corporate House, Level 2 Oratory Street, Naxxar NXR 2504, Malta
T +356 2141 1400
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